“Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”(Hebrews 12:1b) KJV

Heavenly Father, we come to the throne of your grace this morning in Jesus name. We pray and thank You Lord for yet another day in your presence. We pray and thank You for the gift of life in Jesus name. Indeed we decree that we will never stop praising You; We declare your glory all day long in Jesus name. (Psalm 71:8)

Lord, as we run our race we pray that You will be there cheering us and encouraging us to persevere in Jesus name. We pry and thank You for revealing to us that: christian life involves hard work. Thus requires us to give up whatever endangers our relationship with God, and to run with endurance and to struggle against sin with the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name ( Hebrews 12:1b)

Father we pray that as we run the race, You will help us choose friends and relatives who also committed and understand the type of race we are partaking in Jesus name. Lord help us to know that wrong friends and relatives will have values and activities that deter us from the course. We pray for the Spirit of discernment to guide us on whom we should run the race with in Jesus name. We decree that we will continue to run for Christ, not for ourselves, and we shall keep him in sight no matter what! (1 Peter 5:8-9)


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